Uncertainty in fuel prices and dependence on fuel are factors which are common to all business. With the ever rising and unstable price of fuel one can never track fuel expenditure accurately. Moreover, as a fleet owner, it is always a tedious task to keep a log of actual refill for every vehicle and also be vigilant of fuel theft. At OGTS we aim at making everyone’s life simpler and thus have come up with a smart GPS Tracking solution which can now help you with not just tracking your vehicle’s movements but keeping an eye on fuel theft and fuel consumption.
We believe that fuel consumption cost increases mainly due to 3 reasons-
• Fuel-theft
• Un-accounted trips
• Malpractices and manipulation during refuel
• Edge against Fuel-theft -
Our fuel monitoring solutions address’s all these problems, firstly and most importantly it always alerts you in case of fuel theft. Instant SMS alerts with precise location and time are sent to you and moreover using our fuel dashboard the exact volume and cost of fuel theft can be estimated. Our devices detect even the smallest of fuel theft which makes the uphill battle to prevent fuel theft very easy and gives you an edge against fuel theft. If you are maintaining a fleet then our comprehensive reports can help you determine yours driver’s accountability as our report will highlight the exact location, time, and volume of fuel theft, additionally, it also keeps an account of mileage thus making your fleet safer and more efficient at the same time. So with our fuel monitoring solutions, fuel theft is the last thing you need to worry about.
• Edge against Unaccounted trips -
Another way to maximise profit by using our solutions is to monitor and optimize refuelling activities. It is justified to say that the unaccounted trips and unnecessary fuel usage increase fuel consumption by a significant amount. Imagine if you could monitor your refuelling activities if you could see how much fuel your trips consumes? Our reports provide you with data so you can use it to optimize and plan your routes for better fuel consumption. Also, our dashboard keeps a log of all your refuelling activities with location and time so now you know how, where, and what exactly you spent on fuel. This analysis can help you make a better judgement of your fuel usage so you can easily cut back on excessive fuel usage. This feature has made fleet management simpler and efficient.
• Edge against malpractices during refuel
Our fuel sensors are up to 99% accurate and thus ensure that you get exactly the amount of fuel that you pay for. Moreover, with the detailed log on our fuel dashboard which can be dynamically updated with fuel prices you can keep an account of the exact expenditure on fuel cost and refuelling status of your vehicle. Using our reports you can also check that the receipts submitted by your drivers are legit and keep manipulation of receipts under check. Thus, our solutions ensure that you don’t fall victim of any malpractices by fuel stations.
A working example of how and where these solutions can be implemented is one of our client's orange travels, a leading travel company of Hyderabad. They are currently using our solutions for their fleet management which consist of over a 100 vehicles. They are reaping the benefits of our fuel monitoring solutions as we have helped them decrease fuel consumption by a significant amount. They constantly use our detailed fuel reports to maintain a log for refuelling activities. Our solutions have made managing a fleet of 100+ vehicles simpler for them and at the same time have helped them increase their revenue.
So as we have emphasised that we at OGTS aim at making our customer’s life simpler and safer, our fuel sensor additionally also ensures that every rupee you spend on fuel is justified.
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